Health benefits of Ellu Podi:
Kollu powder benefits include ulcers which are quite a popular medicine in Ayurveda. The seeds help in the treatment of various ulcers except for the Gastric ulcers. The horse grams are rich in lipids which are much helpful for the people suffering from mouth ulcers and peptic ulcers too.
1. For Weight Loss
- Maintaining its astringent property, horse grams fit well as a component to cut down that extra flabby fat.
- Add some powder of kollu with a glass of warm water every morning, some also infuse it in their dishes like rasam and dal.
2. For Post Pregnancy Solution
- Pregnancy definitely is a crucial period for a woman’s body, but the after effects can lag post pregnancy too, mainly the menstrual cycle that goes for a toss post pregnancy.
- Horse grams sustaining their astringent property help in tightening the tissues and lining up your cycle to ensure proper ailment.
- In fact, for those who underwent heavy blood flow must pop in these brown cherries at regular intervals in a day to ensure the tissues get healed and tightened.
3. For aid to Kidney Stones
- Crystalising you waste in the body to form huge layers of residue is how one can define kidney stones in simple language.
- Acting a stringent antioxidant, the horse grams land a perfect place in your diet. Starting off from breaking down the stones into minute particles, later help in flushing them out, ease out on the pain.
4. For Blood Pressure
- Horse grams form a core ingredient of the ancient Ayurveda maintaining its dignity as the one that uproots the sickness from its centre.
- From healing ailments externally to heart-related diseases they cure it all. Blood pressure is one such sickness that needs in-depth care and mainly control on diet and physique.
- Horse gram powder mixed with warm water controls your cholesterol and purifies blood ensuring a proper bowel moment and in short controlling pressure.
5. As Skin Purifier
- Everything and anything to do with your skin are zeroed down to the blood and your bowel moment. You rectify it and you are blessed with flawless skin.
- Adding horse grams to your diet on a regular interval may be once in every 3 hours can be beneficial as it increases metabolism and cleanses your blood with its antioxidant property.
- While the body sucks up the beneficial nutrients from the grams, the bowels get a good fibrous push from them only to ensure a proper stool settlement.
6. For Memory
- The head is a complex device in a human being, from holding thoughts to recalling memories, the constant work of the brain at times can get stuck.
- While B-Complex perfects this flaw, horse grams the best carrier of it is perfect to sharpen those senses and improve thinking process.
- Ensuring no memory loss, 10 to 12 horse grams every morning is good to sort your thought process and increase the mechanism easing out on the gushing flow of blood in the brains.
- In fact, they can also be a good solution to migraines too. Holding the highest amount of B complex properties the horse grams add value to your diet not only to ensure proper physique and weight but also sharp brains and thinking process.